NB Master Angler
Promoting family fishing and fun angling competition
Protect Our Waters
New Brunswick waters are being threatened by invasive plants and animals. Once established, invasive species are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to control or eradicate. They disrupt natural ecosystems and are one of the leading causes of native species becoming threatened or endangered. Every time you move from one body of water to another, aquatic invasive species may travel with you.
You can help stop them!
When enjoying recreational activities like boating and fishing, please remember to do the following:
INSPECT and REMOVE all visible aquatic plants, animals and mud from canoes, kayaks, jet skis, boats, motors, trailers and equipment.
INSPECT and REMOVE all visible aquatic plants, animals and mud from canoes, kayaks, jet skis, boats, motors, trailers and equipment.
WASH watercraft with high-pressure or hot water or DRY for 5 days.
CHECK, CLEAN, and DRY all personal gear, including waders, fishing lines and lures.
DISPOSE of unused bait responsibly.
NEVER RELEASE plants, fish or other animals into a body of water unless they came out of that water!
(info from: http://www2.gnb.ca/content/dam/gnb/Departments/nr-rn/pdf/en/Fish/Fish.pdf)